Writer Interviews (Pt. 3) Mylo
Aspiring Author
Mylo is an author of mystery, contemporary, high fantasy, urban fantasy and has publishing aspirations though they are still in the process of writing.

Writer Interviews (Pt. 2) Leigh Crescent
Project Juggler Extraordinaire
Writer of YA Fantasy/Romantasy, Leigh Crescent is currently juggling 4+ projects all in different stages. I definitely admire that skill coming from someone who can’t manage to work on even two projects at the same time. She is planning to self-publish In The Midnight Blue (I beta read it and it was fantastic) and traditionally publish ASoTS (full title not yet revealed). Keep reading to learn more about her many projects!

Writer Interviews (Pt. 1) Rebecca Ahn
The Life of a Querying Writer
Writer of Fantasy and Literary Fiction, Ahn is currently in the query trenches (we salute you). They opted to share some of their current projects with us so keep reading to learn more…