Writing/Life Update
camp nanowrimo, painting book edges, + cat picture
So Camp NaNo is next month and I have a project. I’ve been really getting into writing contemporary rom-coms. I wrote one for NaNo and I already have another idea for next month. I’m going to keep this project to myself but just know that I am super excited about it.
Taking a break from ToN has been a good thing for me. I’m starting to become okay with not hitting every goal I set for myself. Maybe I should set aside this trilogy for a little longer and let myself explore more as a writer. I know that someday I will finish the trilogy but I’m finally letting myself say that it might not be in the next few years. I’m too young to force myself into writing things that I’ve lost the spark for.
I am proud of myself for publishing a book at 16 but I want to give myself more time to practice my craft before publishing another book.
Yesterday (3/24) I randomly decided to try painting book edges and now I’m obsessed. Because of that, and some encouragement from my friends, I have decided to offer a limited supply of painted edge versions of my book (still signed). I have no idea if this is something people will want to buy but life is all about sharing your passions so why not.
Lily (my cat)